Mapping Financial
enabling you to seamlessly utilise multiple data sources

The myriad of symbols used by data vendors and market centres to identify financial instruments can reduce efficiency, restrict choice, increase costs and escalate risk for participants. In an ideal world, there would be one unified symbology system to allow seamless referencing of an instrument across all vendors, platforms and applications. Until then, Magtia are here to help.
As the world’s only company dedicated solely to financial symbology mapping, we enable you and your clients to use any market data interchangeably without any redevelopment or reconfiguration of your existing trading applications.
Discover how our mapping services have helped clients to overcome a range of challenges:
Delivery Mechanisms
Symbols Mapped Daily
Exchanges Mapped
We work with the top 5 market data vendors, providing automated cross-referencing of symbols for every major global exchange and many of the emerging markets too. The automated nature of our solutions enables us to map all instruments before the markets even open, incorporating all corporate actions.
Our maps cover all asset categories including futures, options, spreads, cash equities, rights, preferreds, warrants and funds. We have also statically cross-referenced hundreds of thousands of indices and OTC instruments. Maps can be accessed via bulk file download, on-demand RESTful API or web-based GUI.
We work with a broad range of clients around the world, including investment banks, portfolio managers and hedge fund managers.
If by any chance we don’t have the cross-referencing map your business needs, our solutions can be rapidly extended to incorporate internal standards or third-party vendors, making Magtia your one-stop shop for all instrument cross-referencing.